Here are some simple suggestions of ways of getting into the Christmas spirit. Start them as early or late as you like!
- Watch your favorite Christmas movie.
- Stroll around your local area looking at Christmas lights. Consider going with family or friends. Afterwards, invite everyone in for a hot chocolate or mulled wine.
- See a pantomime or Christmas play.
- Do some Christmas baking or make Christmas candy.
- Wrap gifts.
- Listen to Christmas music.
- Decorate your home, garden, and even your car or bicycle.
- Start making and/or writing your Christmas cards. You may want to use a Christmas card kit.
- Make a miniature Christmas garden.
- Make or buy an advent calendar and remember to get it out on the first of December. A candle advent calendar is a nice option for adults.
- Go to a Christmas carol service in a local church.
- Wear festive jewelry. For example, a Christmassy brooch/pin on your coat.
- Wear a Christmassy wrist watch. See Whimsical Christmas Watches
for a lovely selection.
- If there is snow, build a snowman and/or write Christmas messages in the snow.
- If there is frozen water or an ice rink, go ice skating.
- Put bird food out to attract robins.
- Contact someone you have lost touch with. Christmas is a great time to reconnect with long lost friends and family.
- Check your local cinema program to see if there is a Christmassy film on. If so, go and see it!
- Go Christmas shopping.
- Treat yourself to a Christmas lunch or dinner out. Many restaurants have special Christmas menus in December.
- Wish people a “Merry Christmas” or, if you prefer, “Happy Holidays”.
- Go to or help at a Christmas bazaar.
- Read a Christmas story to yourself or out loud to others.
- Wear green and/or red clothes.
- Browse the Internet for Christmas-related sites. This can be done as early in the year as you like. Start by checking our links page.
- Host a Christmas party.
Some of these suggestions can of course be done simultaneously! If you can think of any others, please leave a comment here or contact me with your ideas.